TTT- Top Ten Tuesday Books I’ve had to DNF


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly Meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish for this weeks Top Ten Tuesday I am going to be discussing books that I just could not finish and had to DNR. I like to finish most books I read but sometimes if I’m not just enjoying a book I’d rather put it down and pick up something I will enjoy than struggle on. As with everything this is just my opinion and everyone enjoys different things. So… lets get cracking!

1.The Innocents by Francesca Segal

the innocents

This is a difficult one because this book was something that I wanted to read for a while, it’s the winner of the Costa First Novel Award 2012 and runs with the tag line – What if everything you ever wanted was no longer enough? That line, the beautiful cover and I was hooked the book is a re-telling of Edith Wharton’s The Age of Innocence and having not read that book any references to the original source material were utterly lost on me. Having said that, if you need to have read The Age of Innocence to enjoy The Innocents this book doesn’t really stand up that well on its own not for me at least.

2.The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman

the ocean at the end of the lane

Before reading this I had wanted to reading something by Neil Gaiman for ages and this is still the only novel of his I have read. While this is a beautifully written book, I just didn’t really get sucked into to the world and kept putting it down and picking up other books. It’s been quite some time now since I began reading The Ocean at the End of the Lane and I just don’t see myself finishing it but I am eager to read more of Neil Gaiman’s work.

3.Dark Lover J.R Ward

dark lover

Just another Vampire novel… Look I know this series is beloved but I found it pretty Meh. There are many books in this series and to get me invested in another series with Vampires it’s going to take something pretty special.


4.How I Live Now by Meg Rosoff

how I live now

I really wanted to like this book, the premise was interesting, the cover was cute and Saoirse Ronan was in the film adaption, check, check and check. It was the writing style that did it for me, I know that every author has a different voice and How I Live Now inpartcular was in the voice of the main character but it was really off putting and resulted in me putting it down (the book that is).

5.The Virgin Suicides by Jefferfy Eugenides


Interesting and creative but I found it a bit slow.

6.Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohe

beautiful creatures

This is one of those books and we all know the ones that really felt like they were jumping on the Twilight band wagon. I don’t really like it when it feels as if an author as written a book for the audience and genre and mood and fashion of the publishing industry of the time rather than just letting their creativity flow no matter of the fashion of the industry at the time.

7.Broken by A.E Rought


Broken is a re-telling of Frankenstein which sounds great… in theory. I have a bit of a bug bear when classics are retold in a high school setting. It’s not about YA because I read YA I love the genre but when books are re-told in high schools it automatically lessons the original story some how and fills it with teen angst.


8.Hurt by Tabitha Suzuma


This book has a massive twist and it would have been great if I hadn’t guessed it about one hundred pages in.

9 .Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake

Anna dressed in blood


10.The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater

raven boys

This is not good or bad I just didn’t connect to the plot. so, NEXT!

So that was a miserable Top Ten Tuesday if you have any DNF or series you won’t finish let me know in the down bar.

Happy reading everyone and see you next time 🙂

4 thoughts on “TTT- Top Ten Tuesday Books I’ve had to DNF

  1. mudandstars

    I also DNFd Beautiful Creatures and The Raven Boys, pretty early on (maybe 2 chapters in). I’ve tried to start both of them several times, but just couldn’t get into them at all. And I know how you feel about How I Live Now as well, although I really loved the film!


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